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Advertise in the next Fieldbook
Fieldbook is an annual, full-color publication of the Boston Society of Landscape Architects — the Massachusetts and Maine chapter of ASLA.
With a hard copy print run of 1,500, Fieldbook is direct mailed to all BSLA members as well as to landscape architecture firms and schools in Massachusetts and Maine. It is also distributed to other ASLA chapters across the United States, to regional events that BSLA and the BSLA Western Mass and Maine sections organize or sponsor, to architects and other design industry peers, to elected officials, to high school students, and to public libraries.
Fieldbook is printed locally in Massachusetts on premium uncoated FSC and SFi certified paper, using low VOC inks.
Copies are sent free of charge to all advertisers. Additional copies available on request.
Fieldbook is published online at www.bslafieldbook.org. All advertisers will be listed in an online directory and thanked via social media.
Fieldbook CLIMATE Advertising Rates (rates good through all of 2024):
· Back Cover $3800
· Inside Back Cover $3300
· Inside Front Cover $3300
· Full Page $2400
· Half Page $1300
· Quarter Page $700
We also offer a text-only Directory listing for $250, including name, contact info, and tagline.
Annual Partner Sponsors receive 10% off any ad size
Each issue runs approximately 180 pages and feature the annual BSLA Design Award winners, as well as editorial content reflecting a special theme.
Spaces are limited! The next issue will be published late summer 2024.
Questions? Contact Gretchen Rabinkin at gretchen@bslanow.org or 617.686.4362.
Thank you!
Reserve a space today
Photo at top: Woodside Retreat. Landscape Architects: Richardson & Associates. 2019 BSLA Merit Award in Design.
Print Sizes & Specs
-- Full page: 9" high x 6-3/4" wide
-- Half page -- 4-3/8" high x 6-3/4" wide (horizontal only)
-- Quarter page -- 4-3/8" high x 3-1/4 wide (vertical only)
-- camera ready, jpeg or pdf, no crop, trim, or placement marks
-- 300dpi
The finished book is full color, perfect bound, 7.5” x 10”, printed locally in Massachusetts on uncoated premium paper.
Fieldbook advertisers will be promoted via social media, too.
Check out the Fieldbook online Directory.
Fieldbook advertising covers printing and mailing costs. It is produced almost entirely by our members and volunteers. Net proceeds fund chapter activities, helping us keep local chapter dues low and helping us serve you — and our landscape architecture community — better. We couldn’t do this without you.